Conductors and Insulators

What are Conductors and Insulators?

A conductor is a substance that can easily conduct an electrical current. Examples of substances that act as good conductors include metals and water. An insulator is a substance that does not allow the flow of electric current through it well. Typical examples of insulators are glass, rubber, and plastic. Electricity needs to be conducted from one place to another to work, so good conductors are important for this process.

Water can be a conductor in two situations. It is a good conductor when it's liquid, and it's even better if it's frozen. This is because each of these situations provides more charged particles that can conduct electricity well. The electrons in water move around much more freely when they're part of ice crystals than they do in water which has no structure to it. Electrical currents are caused by negatively charged particles called electrons flowing from one atom to another. In metals, however, there are lots of free electrons already available for moving around, so a very large current can be produced with little effort.

Electrical Properties of Matter

Electricity is the flow of charge through a wire or other material. The unit for measuring an electric current is the ampere (A). To produce electricity, you need two different types of materials that are electrically conductive. 

Electricity flows from one conductor to another through the wire. For this flow of electricity to happen, there needs to be a difference in electrical potential between two points. This difference in potential creates an electric field around the point where the two conductors touch. As a result, there is an equal but opposite voltage between these two points on either side of this connection point due to the presence of an electric field.

All matter can be divided into three states: solid, liquid, or gas. Solids have a definite shape, liquids take any shape of their container, and gases expand to fill their container. Electricity behaves differently depending on whether it’s moving in a solid, liquid, or gas. This is due to electrical conductivity and resistance. Electrical conductivity decreases with increased temperature and as atoms become further apart from each other during phase changes between states.

Potential Energy

Electricity is made of two types of energy. One type is called potential and the other is kinetic. Kinetic energy is like the energy that we think about when we're going to the gym or playing a sport. Potential, on the other hand, is more like stored-up energy that doesn't move around, such as in a battery. When you hook up an electrical device to a power source like your wall socket, it takes some of the potentials from that power source and converts it into kinetic energy to move things around!

When it comes to how electricity moves around, there are two things to think about: currents and voltages. A current is a flow of electrons; think of it as water running through a pipe. This movement happens when there's a voltage difference between two points in an electrical circuit. The voltage difference pushes or pulls on electrons, and that's what causes them to move from one place to another! Think of a pressure gauge for your car--the higher it goes, the more pressure that's being exerted.

Electromotive Force

An electromotive force, or emf, is generated when a charged particle moves through a conductor. The moving charge creates an electric field that will push other charged particles away and create an opposing electric field in the conductor. This action generates an electromotive force because the opposite forces cancel each other out and they both have the same magnitude but point in opposite directions.

The magnitude of an emf, or potential difference, is directly proportional to how many charged particles move through a conductor in a given amount of time and inversely proportional to the distance they travel. An emf is also equivalent to: 

Potential Difference = work/ charge...where work=force x distance and charge= current x time. A common example of an emf is provided by batteries which use chemical reactions to generate electrons (the movement of charge) that generate voltage. The number of electrons that move through a conductor at any time is known as electric current (measured in amperes) while the potential difference (measured in volts) is directly proportional to the electromotive force.

Current Flow in Conductors

Electricity is the flow of electrons through a conductor. The movement of these tiny particles of charge creates an electric current. Electrons will always try to flow from a region with a high concentration, or higher number of electrons, to regions with lower concentrations. This charge imbalance creates an electric field, which is what causes currents in conductors. When you connect two different pieces of metal and create a circuit, the electrons can now flow freely between them. This creates an electric current that will continue to exist as long as there are no breaks in the circuit; otherwise, it would be shorted out. There are two types of materials that work well as conductors: metals and semiconductors like silicon and germanium.

Current is measured in amperes, named after French physicist André-Marie Ampère. One ampere of current flows when one coulomb of charge passes a point in one second, which means there are 6.25×10^18 coulombs of charge passing a point every second in a circuit containing 1 A. The flow of electrons—the current—is not always constant; it can be decreased or increased by adding or removing the electrical load from a circuit. It’s possible to even use semiconductors like silicon and germanium as switches to control currents on demand. This is done with diodes and transistors, which work by allowing only certain amounts of current to flow through them depending on their configuration and input voltage levels.

Basic Circuit Components

A circuit is a loop that completes a path for an electric current to flow. It may include resistors, batteries, and wires. An electric current is a flow of electrons from an area of high potential energy, called the cathode, to one with low potential energy, called the anode. The electrons are attracted to the oppositely charged anode by electromagnetism.

The most basic components of a circuit are resistors, capacitors, and wires. Resistors are placed in a circuit to prevent too much current from flowing. They do so by drawing energy through thermal conduction away from other parts of an electric circuit that needs to be kept cool, such as semiconductors. A capacitor is charged by placing it in a low-energy area and then returning it to a high-energy area.

Varying Voltage, Resistance, and Current

Voltage is a measurement of energy, which means it's the ability to do work. Voltage is measured in volts (V). Resistance is an electrical property that opposes the flow of current. The lower the resistance, the more current will flow through a circuit.

Current is a measurement of electrical flow. The rate of current is measured in amperes (or amps for short). Voltage and current are linked in that increasing voltage forces more current to flow through a circuit. As a device's resistance increases, however, less voltage is needed to force its required amount of current to flow. The relationship between voltage, resistance, and current can be summarized by Ohm's Law: V = IR. This law states that when you have a constant potential difference (voltage) across a resistance, a constant amount of current will pass through it (I). If you change either voltage or resistance, then I must change proportionally to maintain that same potential difference.

Ohm's Law - Current, Voltage & Resistance

Ohm's law is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance. It can be stated as: I = V/R, where I is current in amps, V is voltage in volts and R is resistance in ohms. The three variables are related as follows: 

I - The amount of electric charge that flows through a circuit per unit of time. 

V - A measure of the difference in electric potential between two points on a circuit. 

R - The proportionality constant that relates electrical resistance to voltage and current (or equivalently to the inverse proportionality constant for inductance)

The unit of resistance is ohms or Ω. One ohm is equal to one volt per ampere, so in simple terms, we can say that resistance increases as voltage increases and current decreases. In other words, a decrease in voltage will increase current, while an increase in voltage will result in a decrease in current.

Power in Electric Circuits (Watts)

Electricity is an energy source that can either be direct or alternating. The two types of electricity are considered to be the same for most purposes, but there are some important differences. Direct current flows in one direction only and it does not change the voltage level. Alternating current periodically changes its voltage level to time, which means that the voltage is not constant over time. 

An electric circuit is a closed loop made up of three components: power source, load, and wires. For the circuit to function as intended, all components must be present and functioning correctly. The load component refers to the device that converts electrical energy into another form of usable energy such as light bulbs and motors.

All of these components are connected by wires. When an electric current flows from one terminal of a power source through a load and returns to another terminal on a different part of that power source, it is referred to as a series circuit. A series circuit always has exactly one path for current flow.

Direct Current (DC) Circuits

DC circuits are the simplest type of electric circuit. In a DC circuit, electrons flow in one direction only. When they are flowing in this way, they are said to be direct currents. Direct current is often abbreviated as DC and the letter S is used to represent it. The voltage (V) and amperage (I) of a DC circuit cannot change; if you increase the resistance (R), then less current will flow through the circuit. The resistance of a wire or component depends on its length, width, and thickness. Longer wires have more resistance than shorter ones do because there is more surface area for electrons to collide with as they try to move through the wire.

You will often find DC circuits used in low-power applications such as simple doorbells. However, direct current can be dangerous to use in high-power applications because it cannot be transmitted over long distances without significant power losses. If you want to transmit a high amount of power using direct current, you’ll need thick cables that are expensive and difficult to install. This is why alternating current (AC) is much more common for home or office use.

Alternating Current (AC) Circuits

Electricity is a form of energy that can be generated from natural resources such as coal, gas, water, solar power, and nuclear power. All these forms of energy are converted into electrical current and distributed to homes and businesses through a system of wires. The process begins with the generation of electricity by converting one type of fuel into another form. For example, coal is heated with air to create carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O). The CO2 molecules react with the H2O molecules to release heat in the form of steam. This steam moves through pipes where it turns turbines that spin around fast enough to produce a mechanical force which causes generators to generate an electric current.

Alternating current (AC) is a type of electrical energy that changes direction at regular intervals. Electricity from a power plant typically flows along transmission lines as alternating current before being converted to direct current, or DC, for home use. Alternating current is generated by an alternator—an electrically powered device that generates mechanical force through magnetic induction. In an AC circuit, voltage and current move forward together in one direction, but then reverse their roles and flow in opposite directions.


Electricity is created when electrons are stripped from atoms in a material. This process releases energy and the electrons travel through the material to produce an electric current. Electrons have a negative charge, while atoms typically have a positive charge. The materials we use to conduct electricity are called semiconductors because they don't allow electrons to move freely through them. When there is an imbalance of charges on either side of a semiconductor, these charges will want to flow toward each other and this creates an electric current. Electrical energy can be transferred using wires or cables made from copper or aluminum that are insulated with plastic or rubber sheathing. Electricity flows from one end of the wire (the sending end) to another (the receiving end).

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